Thursday, February 25, 2021

certified network cable installer course

In general, current networks are very stable. However, they are also characterized by not being static. Both companies and users demand the installation of new technologies, new services and better performance that inevitably requires changing the infrastructure, implementing new applications and managing security. At the same time, it is necessary to control IT costs and minimize the interruptions that are generated. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to study each aspect of the network to accurately assess the impact that the incorporation of new technologies and services has on it, and to ensure that maximum performance is obtained at all times.

The certification of a structured cabling network or computer cabling network is the process by which the installation is guaranteed to comply with official regulations.

In the certification process, the transmission performance of an installed cabling system is compared with the standard determined using methods defined by to measure correct performance.

certified network cable installer course 

certified network cable installer

When certifying your computer network, each wiring point is checked and each of the components that make up the wiring network is verified and guaranteed to comply with the regulations, is correctly installed and therefore, will offer the correct performance and reliability supporting any application. network that conforms to these regulations.

The certification of the cabling becomes an essential documentation, it will officially certify the guarantee and efficiency of the computer network.

Professional Techniques, as a Telecommunications installation company registered in the Generalitat of Catalonia, offers the Certification service included in all network installations or wiring points, as well as our network specialists analyze, verify and manage any incident in a wiring network , always starting from a wiring certification as the basis for the guarantee of operation and installation

cable installer certifications

During the installation we have carried out, we have taken into account that the structure of the Isabel Zendal Hospital is unconventional and has large areas with raised ceilings up to 7 meters high.

For this reason, after carrying out a coverage study , the installation has been carried out on walls, dividing walls and ceilings.

The new Isabel Zendal Hospital, a name that honors the first nurse in history on an international humanitarian mission, has nearly 40,000 square meters in three modular pavilions.

cable installer certifications

network cable installer

In addition to certifying the network, it makes it possible to accurately diagnose faults, identifying if the cause is an incorrect installation and if the materials are not of the necessary quality, the certification indicates precisely where the fault is located and this facilitates its possible repair .

The physical installation of all the network equipment has included Core equipment, distribution equipment and access equipment, including IP configuration.

In addition, in terms of Wi-Fi equipment work, we have carried out the installation of Wi-Fi controllers, Wi-Fi access points throughout the different buildings of the complex, firewalls and appliances with different functionalities.

network cable installer

network cable certifications

When certifying your computer network, each wiring point is checked and each of the components that make up the wiring network is verified and guaranteed to comply with the regulations, is correctly installed and therefore, will offer the correct performance and reliability supporting any application. network that conforms to these regulations.

The certification of the cabling becomes an essential documentation, it will officially certify the guarantee and efficiency of the computer network.

Professional Techniques, as a Telecommunications installation company registered in the Generalitat of Catalonia, offers the Certification service included in all network installations or wiring points, as well as our network specialists analyze, verify and manage any incident in a wiring network , always starting from a wiring certification as the basis for the guarantee of operation and installation.

The certifier is a basic and essential tool for a cable installation company.

network cable certifications

certified network cable installer training

In the certification process, the transmission performance of an installed cabling system is compared with the standard determined using methods defined by to measure correct performance.

The certification of a cabling system demonstrates the quality of the components and the installation and requires that the cabling links provide the “Pass” result. If there are Faults, the network does not comply with the regulations or with the minimum guarantees required for operation.

In this case, if there are wiring points that give the result "NO PASS", our Technical Department will diagnose the links or points that fail and after implementing a corrective action, they will recheck them to ensure that they meet the relevant transmission requirements and pass the certification.

The certification process includes the certification measurements of the cabling and the generation of reports and documentation of the network

certified network cable installer training

network cable installer certification

The certification of an installation means that all the cables that compose it comply with certain reference standards and, therefore, you have the guarantee that they will comply with the requirements for which they were designed . For example, category 5 and class D UTP cables, the length of the segment must not exceed 90m, the NEXT (Near-End Crosstalk) must be taken into account, etc.

In general, current networks are very stable. However, they are also characterized by not being static. Both companies and users demand the installation of new technologies, new services and better performance that inevitably requires changing the infrastructure, implementing new applications and managing security. At the same time, it is necessary to control IT costs and minimize the interruptions that are generated. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to study each aspect of the network to accurately assess the impact that the incorporation of new technologies and services has on it, and to ensure that maximum performance is obtained at all times.

The certification of a structured cabling network or computer cabling network is the process by which the installation is guaranteed to comply with official regulations.

network cable installer certification


Our certified cabling installation technicians know how to diagnose and troubleshoot high-performance cabling systems. As new high-performance cabling systems are developed and implemented, every aspect of the installation demands a higher level of capacity and greater attention to detail. New check parameters have been added. Links have to be tested using one of two link models (the 'permanent link' or the 'channel') and are tested and evaluated over a wider frequency range and with more data points. The components from which the links are built should provide better performance and the quality of the finish during installation should improve accordingly.

Due to the increasing complexity of these cabling systems, determining the cause of failure and quickly restoring proper performance has become a challenge . This manual will guide you through the process of troubleshooting advanced structured cabling systems using the Fluke Networks CableAnalyzer ™ DSX-5000 Series certifier so you can increase productivity and deliver greater value to your business.


cnci certification

The structured cabling certification process that we carry out at Unite-Sistemas de Telecommunications begins after the completion of the cabling installation. The certification of the structured cabling is a process that compares the transmission performance of a cabling system is installed with a given standard, using a method defined by the standard for measuring said performance .

This certification of a structured cabling system shows us the quality of the components and the installation, that is, it tells us if it complies with connectivity and correct operation. This is usually necessary to obtain the manufacturer's warranty for structured cabling.

The structured cabling certification process will require that the cabling links provide the 'Pass' result . If not, our qualified and certified technicians will diagnose the failing links and, after corrective action, will recheck them to ensure they meet the relevant transmission requirements. The time required to certify a facility includes not only the completion of the certification measurements, but also documentation and troubleshooting.

network cabling certification

Structured Cabling Networks or Computer Networks are the most important infrastructure of communications systems: On these cable networks, absolutely all the systems of a company will be supported and also, a cabling network is a long-term investment.

Network installation companies must be professionals and specialized to install voice, data and video cabling and for this, in addition to the corresponding legal accreditations and specific training, they must have the necessary technical means and know how to certify the network cabling, diagnose and fix problems that may occur in high performance cabling systems.

network cabling certification

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

network cabling certification

The works we carry out, wherever we go to perform them, in Casalecchio di Reno, Zola Predosa, Calderara di Reno, Sala Bolognese, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Anzola dell'Emilia, Crespellano, Bazzano, Spilamberto, in Castelfranco Emilia 

San Cesario sul Panaro they are always performed in a workmanlike manner and with the precision that distinguishes us. From the installation of digital terrestrial to the repair of TV antennas we solve problems.

The application of modern technologies allows us to operate and assist professionals (such as architects and / or surveyors) with innovative technical solutions such as LED lighting systems or functional systems for civil energy saving and industrial energy saving , without neglecting even the simple installation of intercoms or video intercoms .

Are you building a new house and looking for innovative solutions? Have you ever thought about LED lighting ? In addition to guaranteeing you a safe civil energy saving (but also designed for industrial energy saving), thanks to the extreme flexibility and transversality of the applications, 

cnci certification

that the antenna operator has to reach your home by car or van and that in any case the material has to be procured, not to mention the equipment whose cost increases year by year and the quality worsens.So here we ask you to try to do two calculations yourself and try to imagine a reasonable cost.

Obviously, a detail not to be overlooked is that at a very low price level, there are, very often, approximate, marginal or perhaps more frequently works, with unsatisfactory performance, works, which almost always lead to having to be re-executed, making any often useless savings.

We believe it is necessary to emphasize that with the " digital terrestrial " system resorting to "do it yourself" never leads to the desired results, on the one hand because of the material used, in fact, antennas are often purchased based on the aesthetic form, or by relying on experience of shopkeepers, who, as such, have never 

climbed onto a roof and above all try to fill it with all the unsaleable remains of their warehouse. Our antennas for digital terrestrial do not have these characteristics: the materials we use ( digital terrestrial antennas or TV dishes) are always chosen on the basis of the contingent conditions for the optimization of their functions.

cnci certification


it has the ability to provide excellent technical and functional performances: from the simple lighting of a room, perhaps also acting as a piece of furniture, to the creation of a modern shower with chromotherapy. At an industrial / company level, if we combine LEDs with other devices, such as photovoltaic panels, energy savings are ensured.

Unfortunately, this does not completely correspond to the truth, in fact if we take into account that with a minimum amount, let's say that, with 100/150 euros you can perhaps buy a logarithmic antenna, a pole, 

some snarls and a cable, we are talking of material at the minimum quality, to which we should then add the manpower, which, always assuming one of the best conditions, to perform a work to perfection is almost never less than about 3 working hours or maybe 2 hours two people , without considering 


network cable installer certification

Our work, by our nature, is deeply linked to the area between Bologna and Modena and here we operate at the best of our abilities in various fields, fulfilling the various requests of our customers; our works can be in the civil field but not only.

The application of modern technologies allows us to operate and assist professionals (such as architects and / or surveyors) with innovative technical solutions such as LED lighting systems or functional systems for civil energy saving and industrial energy saving , without neglecting even the simple installation of intercoms or video intercoms .

Are you building a new house and looking for innovative solutions? Have you ever thought about LED lighting ? In addition to guaranteeing you a safe civil energy saving (but also designed for industrial energy saving), thanks to the extreme flexibility and transversal of the applications, 

certified network cable installer training

These companies are our customers and thanks to us, and we thanks to them, we have been able to grow and innovate. The industry can turn to us and we will know how to solve its problems. We are able to take full advantage of the technological resources available to ensure industrial and civil home automation first level. Automation is the new frontier of the industry as it guarantees savings, profitability and increased production.

Our company, even with the desire to maintain the acquired knowledge, does not neglect innovation, on the contrary, precisely to develop our experience more and more we study and implement fundamental innovations for our development and that of the customers who come to us both in civil and industrial. 

certified network cable installer training

network cable certifications

Fulcrum of our activity also and above all for the particularity of the workings is the maintenance of the electrical systems of the companies .

Currently, companies are "obliged" to keep up with the times and the future as it was once imagined has now arrived. Technology has made great strides in terms of automation but also relatively to simple industrial and civil energy saving . National and international regulations then demand a series of safety certifications and specific functionality that only companies like ours are able to produce.

Our work is deeply linked with the territory where we grew up and our will is to continue to grow with all those activities that have developed here such as companies with very advanced mechanics such that only in this area of ​​Emilia , between Bologna and Modena, specific forms of processing are carried out in order to attract customers from all over Italy and the world. 

network cable certifications

network cable installer

Our company can count on the professionalism and experience of its employees who have the opportunity to apply with dedication in various activities relating to the engineering as the ' installation of civil electrical installations , industrial electrical systems , perform maintenance of electrical installations operating on a vast territory such as the area between Bologna and Modena and the municipalities included in it such as Casalecchio di Reno, Zola Predosa, Calderara di Reno, Sala Bolognese, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Anzola dell'Emilia, Crespellano, Bazzano, Spilamberto, Castelfranco Emilia, San Cesario sul Panaro.

In fact, our work does not end with the installation of these systems but we also have the burden of producing the declaration of conformity for electrical systems that certify their correct functionality in safety according to the law and guarantee the customer himself on the quality of our work 

network cable installer

cable installer certifications

Donati Impianti is able to carry out maintenance work on electrical systems for the municipalities in the area between Bologna and Modena , including for example Casalecchio di Reno, Zola Predosa, Calderara di Reno, Sala Bolognese, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Anzola dell ' Emilia, Crespellano, Bazzano, Spilamberto, Castelfranco Emilia, San Cesario sul Panaro.

Our customers are our best advertisement. Thanks to our constant work and commitment for over thirty years we have accumulated such experience that allows us to structure our work so as to be reliable and to respect the deadlines for its execution: fundamental elements if we want to respect the its customers.

Our customers themselves bear witness to our reliability and above all the companies in the territorial area between Bologna and Modena have been able to appreciate and enjoy our work in terms of plant engineering.

cable installer certifications

certified network cable installer course

Our fame derives not only from the competence and professionalism with which we carry out the installation work of electrical systems that are entrusted to us also from the fact that customers can always count on us for any eventuality. 

We are always there, even to take care of the maintenance of electrical systems wherever they are, even if they were not designed and built by us. An electrical system that is not functioning or has problems is a safety hazard for everyone, first of all for the customer who has to use it daily. 

Our maintenance of electrical systemsthey are always punctual, fast and safe in order to identify problems quickly and minimize the inconvenience for the customer. If you need an intervention we are close to you and ready to assist you being very present in the area. 

certified network cable installer course 

certified network cable installer

Everything that is electrical or related to electrical systems , both for civil but also and above all industrial uses, in particular for metalworking companies, is our daily bread and we are able to fulfill any request our customers ask us.

Given the experience that distinguishes us, it is we ourselves who often provide the ideal solutions to the problems posed to us by our customers. Especially in the industrial field, and even more so in metalworking companies, whose processing complexity often requires innovative solutions.

Our team is able to design and implement the installation of simple electrical systemsbut also to carry out complex studies and designs that often lead us to create prototypes for industrial machines as regards electrical and electronic components.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

certified network cable installer

In the case of access to data, the cloud assures us of a level of service in most applications and services that it offers of 99%, even much more. For this, it has redundant systems that ensure that, even if they have a serious problem, we can continue to access our information and work normally.

This solution can also be implemented by SMEs, but it involves a very high expense, since the hardware redundancy and the maintenance of the system so that if a server falls automatically a reserve one is used supposes an added cost that many do not consider necessary. In this way, the level of service drops, and at some point in the year there will be an incident and discontinuity in the business.

We must also take into account issues such as network electronics in accessing the local network, which can also fail us. Here we must also take into account that when accessing the cloud, the failures of the communications line must be considered. Currently, with the arrival of fiber, the connection is much more reliable, but whenever this type of solution is adopted, it is necessary to have redundant communication lines, something common with the arrival of mobile broadband.

certified network cable installer

certified network cable installer course

In both cases, it is necessary to have documentary traceability that controls at all times who accesses, what can be done with a document or whether or not it can be downloaded and printed. In addition, cloud users should have some two-step verification model so that in case of loss or theft of identification credentials, access to such data cannot be achieved.

Finally, it is also important to take into account the aspects related to the LOPD, something important whenever we process personal data in the applications we use in the cloud and locally. In the cloud especially, it is necessary to take into account where they are physically located to know if we carry out international data transfers or not, as well as the legislation that the service provider adheres to.

certified network cable installer course 

cable installer certifications

In the cloud, the provider companies already have these redundant copy systems that facilitate any inconvenience. It is important if these services are contracted, either locally or in the cloud, to take into account not only the execution of the copy, but also the recovery time of the same.

Finally, you have to consider the issue of data leakage . In this case, it may seem easier for data leaks to occur externally in the cloud than locally, where theoretically there is no access from the outside. The truth is that to a greater or lesser extent most companies have a security hole and are not invulnerable.

cable installer certifications

network cable installer

We also have the possibility of working the same in the office as at home or in any place where we have access to the Internet, be it a Business Center or a Coworking. In this way, in the event of a communication failure, we can carry out the urgent work in a more or less solvent way.

Data integrity

In addition, it is necessary to enable an efficient backup system so that the data that the server had at the time stop working. This implies an investment in more professional backup tools that guarantee us the necessary redundancy to be able to solve problems derived from a failure that could corrupt the integrity of the same on our server.

network cable installer

network cable certifications

This solution can also be implemented by SMEs, but it involves a very high expense, since the hardware redundancy and the maintenance of the system so that if a server falls automatically a reserve one is used supposes an added cost that many do not consider necessary. In this way, the level of service drops, and at some point in the year there will be an incident and discontinuity in the business.

We must also take into account issues such as network electronics in accessing the local network, which can also fail us. Here we must also take into account that when accessing the cloud, the failures of the communications line must be considered. Currently, with the arrival of fiber, the connection is much more reliable, but whenever this type of solution is adopted, it is necessary to have redundant communication lines, something common with the arrival of mobile broadband.

network cable certifications

certified network cable installer training

The important thing in this case are two issues, access to the data and the integrity of the same. These are the two issues, in addition to the costs involved in both systems, that must be assessed. The data must always be available to the business and at the same time we must ensure that it is not corrupted, establishing the appropriate security measures for this.

Access to data: local server vs. cloud

In the case of access to data, the cloud assures us of a level of service in most applications and services that it offers of 99%, even much more. For this, it has redundant systems that ensure that, even if they have a serious problem, we can continue to access our information and work normally.

certified network cable installer training

network cable installer certification

The project has consisted of the study, design and dimensioning of the electricity, ventilation and fire protection facilities of a garage located on the ground level, with a dual purpose: the application for authorization of use based on the Regulation of Annoying Activities, Unhealthy, Harmful and Dangerous, and the processing before the Territorial Delegation of Industry of the facilities of said car park. The project has been promoted by the Mutiloa City Council.

One of the drawbacks that many companies see in adopting cloud tools is security. It seems that if our documents are in the next room, on a server that we have in our own facilities, they are more secure than if they are in a data center that perhaps we do not even know where it is located. But is it a false reality or really true? Are documents in the cloud more secure than in our offices?

network cable installer certification


The importance of structured cabling certification.

The objective of the certification of a local area network , be it copper or fiber optic, is to verify that the installation of that network complies with the technical parameters necessary to comply with international regulations related to the type of installation.

The fact that the data circulates on a cable does not ensure that they do so with the quality, speed and security established for a local area network in its different categories, nor does it guarantee that it will do so in any situation, at any temperature, or in future applications that arise.

The certification will allow us to effectively verify that the installation has been carried out correctly and complying with all the parameters, both for the present and for the future.

cnci certification

For this, the first thing that was done was to check the infrastructures, that is, the structured cabling system that supports the local area network , to rule out any failure at this level. All structured cabling links were certified, in this case with unshielded category components. After completing the certification it was found that there were 5 links that did not pass the certification. After correcting the errors detected, a new measurement of these links was carried out, giving a favorable result.

Once it was verified that the structured cabling was working correctly, a series of tests was carried out on the LAN network itself. Finally, a general shutdown of all the electronic equipment on the network was carried out, and the application server so that the respective cache memories were reset, and all the IP address values ​​of all the equipment connected in the network were refreshed. In this way, the problem was finally solved.

cnci certification

network cabling certification

Global Engineering has carried out the certification of the structured cabling of the company Talleres Zelaieta, located in the Navarran town of Bera.

A Structured Cabling System is a standards-based component design and installation method that together provide an integrated transport infrastructure for the transmission of voice, data and video signals in a business and / or institutional environment.

In this particular project, the client complained about the slow use of a billing program, when they tried to run the billing application hosted on a virtual server over the network.

network cabling certification

Monday, February 22, 2021

network cabling certification

The structured cabling allows, thanks to the permutations, a rapid configuration or configuration of the distribution of signals (data, voice, video) inside the building.

Today computer networks play an important role in the field of information transmission and are the basis for the use of innovative technologies. Every home and industrial building requires state-of-the-art structured cabling that respects the technical regulations of the IT and telecommunications sector.

The importance of using these networks is often ignored, because the enormous potential of the internet and its rapid evolution is not fully understood.

First of all, a wired network has significantly higher performance than a wireless network and, from a security point of view, it is unassailable by possible malicious people.

network cabling certification

cnci certification

A fundamental requirement is perfect installation according to the provisions of international standards and according to the requirements contained in the project drawn up by the professional, so that the construction and quality requirements of the entire system are respected.

The installation of a wired network is entrusted to installation companies, registered with the chamber of commerce in the sector dedicated to systems and which can perform the certification according to the Ministerial 

At the end of the work, the installer carries out a certification of the wiring which has the purpose of verifying the conformity of the entire system to the standards. The certification procedures foresee the execution of test TEST on the completely installed system.

cnci certification


 After the large investments in the copper network of the 1980s, we are now living in the era of the great development of the fiber optic access network (FTTx).

Siat is present on the field at the forefront and in the role of “ Network Company ”, it is dedicating increasing resources and energies to the design, construction and testing of new fiber optic networks.

FTTH networks: projects in progress in Rome, Brescia, Palermo, Naples, Cagliari, Latina, Sassari and Pavia

Design and construction of new fiber optic accesses for Companies, Groups, Institutes, PAs, Bodies.

Infrastructure for the fiber optic network of the C & D Clusters (Infratel).

Special projects for large customers.


network cable installer certification

Fixed Network technologies.

Today the Siat field of activity covers, on a broad spectrum, the design, construction and testing of transport and access technologies that are very different and enormously diversified compared to the past, but in any case the Fixed Network, in its most innovative forms, continues to be a significant part business activity.

All over the world it is a fundamental plant and many structures are equipped with such technological systems that are cutting-edge and efficient.

After the large investments in the copper network of the 1980s, we are now living in the era of the great development of the fiber optic access network (FTTx).

network cable installer certification

certified network cable installer training

Subsequently, the installer issues a declaration (generally called "certification") in which he certifies that the system built meets the requirements defined in the technical standards. Successful testing ensures that the system meets the transmission requirements of a given category.

The structured cabling, as already indicated, is the structure for creating a computer network that allows you to take advantage of technologically advanced services useful for energy saving and safety.

Siat Installations took its first steps 40 years ago in the world of TLC, immediately starting to operate in what can still be defined today as the traditional core-business:

certified network cable installer training

network cable certifications

The installation of a wired network is entrusted to installation companies, registered with the chamber of commerce in the sector dedicated to systems and which can perform the certification according to the Ministerial Decree 37/08.

A fundamental requirement is perfect installation according to the provisions of international standards and according to the requirements contained in the project drawn up by the professional, so that the construction and quality requirements of the entire system are respected.

At the end of the work, the installer carries out a certification of the wiring which has the purpose of verifying the conformity of the entire system to the standards. The certification procedures foresee the execution of test TEST on the completely installed system.

network cable certifications

network cable installer

The importance of using these networks is often ignored, because the enormous potential of the internet and its rapid evolution is not fully understood.

First of all, a wired network has significantly higher performance than a wireless network and, from a security point of view, it is unassailable by possible malicious people.

There are several scenarios for using structured cabling, not to mention the enormous utility of being able to use several computers within a home network (LAN) in a home, office, industrial building, sharing files, printers and other network resources.

network cable installer

cable installer certifications

By connecting a trade-in cable from the computer to the wall socket, and another from the switch box to a network device (such as a hub or switch), an electrical connection is created that allows the computer to be connected to the network.

The structured cabling allows, thanks to the permutations, a rapid configuration or configuration of the distribution of signals (data, voice, video) inside the building.

Today computer networks play an important role in the field of information transmission and are the basis for the use of innovative technologies. Every home and industrial building requires state-of-the-art structured cabling that respects the technical regulations of the IT and telecommunications sector.

cable installer certifications

certified network cable installer course

The structured cabling architecture (topology) is typically of a hierarchical stellar type, and can have floor distributors (Floor Distributor or FD), building distributors (Building Distributor or BD) and district distributors (Campus Distributor or CD). Each distributor is made up of standard cabinets, (19-inch rack), which can house both passive interchangers and active devices.

Each workstation (PdL or TO) is served by one or more cables, laid in special channels or pipes; these cables are connected on the one hand to telematic sockets installed in suitable wall or floor plates, on the other to patch panels positioned inside the racks.

certified network cable installer course 

certified network cable installer

 In modern office buildings , structured cabling systems are built to support the construction of different types of local networks, including for example the telephone network or a local area network (LAN). Structured cabling is offered as a modern network construction system conceived for the purpose of integrating, within a building, the various communications equipment: computer networks, telephone terminals, video surveillance systems, access control systems. , for opening doors, etc etc.

Structured cabling is the set of all passive components (cables, connectors, terminal sockets, cabinets, etc.) necessary for the creation of a computer network. The cables have a maximum length of 90 m, to which 10 m can be added to trade-in cables.

Friday, February 19, 2021

certified network cable installer

The DSX-600 PRO is an indispensable certification tool for analyzing twisted pair networks. Analyzing from Cat 3 / Class C to Cat 6A / Class E, it delivers speed and reliability to make your work more efficient and productive. No other tester will give you as much consistency as the DSX-600.

Frequency range up to 500 MHz that certifies Cat 6A / Class EA cabling for 10 Gigabit Ethernet in just 10 seconds

Advanced diagnostics function that detects the location of the fault and suggests corrective action

LinkWare ™ Live service (cloud-based), which allows you to manage certification tasks anytime, anywhere, by anyone and on any device

certified network cable installer

certified network cable installer course

The activity is regulated with regard to safety elements (compulsory electrical authorization, work at height, in hostile environments).

These training courses are compulsory in order to be able to access the profession; you need the technical skills.

The activity is in the process of regulatory harmonization requiring the certification of employees working with Telecom operators for the deployment of optical fiber in order to guarantee the quality of the installation (see example of CCTP and others in the appendices ...)

Computer cabling is a crucial item in the company, due to its cost and its amortization over more than 10 years. This course revisits copper and optical techniques with illustrations by typical CCTP analysis. Faced with the challenges ahead, new optical technologies will be discussed

certified network cable installer course 

cable installer certifications

The available jobs are: fiber optic technician, very high-speed networks and services technician, digital development technician, telecom network technician, low-current installation technician, telecoms and company networks technician, installation technician in telecommunications and network integration. company, telecommunications test and control technician, telecommunications maintenance technician.

But it is possible for an assembler, who is the first step before occupying a technician position and who then has a role mainly of executor, to occupy upstream a position of: installation fitter in telecommunications and low currents , telecommunications installer, fabile current installer, telecommunication and low current installation fitter, technical agent in telecommunications and low current ...

network cable installer

These are foreman or highly qualified worker jobs requiring theoretical training including the safety criteria relating to the implementation of optical fiber.

The functions require the confirmed practice of a set of diversified techniques requiring at this stage, for the good accomplishment of the activity such as the choice of means and the succession of stages in the organization of one's work, hierarchical technical assistance occasional, flawless methodology.

This activity mainly concerns technical work which can be carried out independently and / or involve supervisory (mastery) and coordination responsibilities.

Staff must be able to analyze a project, collect and use work documents, and propose technological solutions.

network cable installer

network cable certifications

This activity takes place both in inside and outside and requires frequent national trips (outside the company).

The works can be carried out in the public domain (roads, sewers, tunnels, etc.); in buildings or buildings under construction or occupied by public or private companies; in apartment buildings, collective or not, public or private or in individual dwellings.

The targeted positions of technician, HQ assembler ... in the field of optical fiber require highly qualified personnel whose tasks are the implementation of a multi-technical expertise.

network cable certifications

certified network cable installer training

The installation and maintenance activity of low current, very high speed fiber optic cabling is carried out by installation and maintenance companies.

The companies involved in this sector of activity are installers, integrators, specialized or not in the fields of electricity, telephony, telecom networks, security, video surveillance, computer networks

Demonstrated skills or abilities:

- Organize and prepare work,

- Deploy cables indoors and outdoors,

- Install the fiber optic cable and connect a fiber optic cable bundle (all techniques),

- Check the connections made and test performance with approved certification devices,

- Write and have the customer sign the intervention and performance sheet.

certified network cable installer training

network cable installer certification

The THD & telecoms fiber optic network cabling installation technician is responsible for installing the cabling for VDI local networks and very high speed data centers, and for the implementation of optical fiber in FTTH type telecommunications networks (fiber to the subscriber).

It is also responsible for validating these networks by tests and measurements, and therefore responsible for the good state of completion vis-à-vis the customer.

The activities can be broken down into 4 main activities:

- Preparation of the intervention based on the work order,

- Work on customer site as part of a company network cabling,

network cable installer certification


Forget the technique, EASYLAN takes care of it. It certifies your wiring according to the chosen standard and tests all the parameters required by it. Its ease of use allows you to devote all your time to certification, rather than learning how to use it.

The ultimate operation of a cabling installation is certification, for which there is often little time left. The intercom function allows simultaneous testing by two operators and thus avoids delay penalties.

cnci certification

The site manager integrated into the instrument allows you to efficiently organize your certifications whether on large sites or for multiple medium-sized sites. The automatic outlet identification generator significantly reduces the overall test time. The conclusion of the test (Pass or Fail) is indicated on both the  and the remote answering machine.

The  tests stored in the instrument can be downloaded to a PC and used by the  software to establish site-by-site certification reports. Reports include all parameters and graphics required by standards and are presented in full or condensed form. 

cnci certification

network cabling certification

The  is a high-end tester for certification of copper cabling, optical cables and networks, up to 300  It stores up to 1700 tests distributed by site and allows users to edit complete certification reports using software.

With 300 MHz of bandwidth, the tester performs the validation of cabling beyond the imposed , level III standards. In the event of non-compliance's expertise tools determine the origin of the fault: connector, cable, etc.

network cabling certification

Thursday, February 18, 2021

network cabling certification

 In the main room (living room) the number of intake registers equipped with BAT will be at least two. In one of them, BAT will be equipped with two sockets or female connectors fed by connections of independent twisted pairs from the PAU, and can be supported by independent conduits if the chosen location of the sockets requires it. One of these must be located less than 50 centimeters from the fiber optic outlet. In the rest of the rooms, excluding bathrooms and storage rooms, there will be a socket register equipped with BAT. At least, in another of the rooms, in the socket register, BAT will be equipped with two sockets or female connectors, powered by connections of independent twisted pairs from the PAU, with the same characteristics as the one indicated for the main room

cnci certification

In the case of buildings with a distribution / dispersion network serving a number of PAUs less than or equal to 20, the distribution / dispersion network may be made with two fiber optic drop cables directly from the distribution point located in the main register. From it, where appropriate, the connection cables will come up to the plants to end directly at the PAUs.

In the case of buildings with a distribution / dispersion network that serves a number of PAUs greater than 20, the distribution / dispersion network can also be carried out with two fiber optic drop cables directly from the distribution point located in the main register, as long as the main pipeline that is designed allows it, and thus is justified in the project.

cnci certification


The demand forecast for lifts will be in line with the specific regulations applicable to this type of facility, particularly for safety reasons. For the supply of additional, courtesy or other services, the demand forecast may be made freely.

In any case, in the machine room of each elevator, control mechanism box or equivalent space, a pipe will be installed consisting of a 25 mm diameter tube that, starting from the main register of the RITI (or RITU) and equipped with the corresponding guide wire, will end in a catch register provided with a blind cover. In the connection panels or exit terminal blocks located in the main registers, for all the technologies that are installed, the corresponding provision will be made to service said room. "

network cable installer certification

Likewise, this order has been submitted to the information procedure regarding standards and technical regulations and regulations relating to information society services provided for in Directive 2015/1535 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of September 9, 2015, which establishes an information procedure regarding technical regulations and rules relating to information society services, as well as Royal Decree 1337/1999, of July 31, which regulates the submission of information on technical standards and regulations and regulations relating to the services of the information society.

The input connector distributors of all operators and the common panel of the building's network output connectors will be located in the main optical register located at the RITI or RITU. The interior space provided for the main optical register must be sufficient to allow the installation of a number of input connectors that is twice the number of output connectors installed at the interconnection point, as well as an additional space for guiding of interconnecting cords or patch cords and storage of excess length of cable

network cable installer certification

certified network cable installer training

The second final provision of Royal Decree 346/2011, of March 11, authorizes the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (currently Minister of Economy and Business) to dictate the regulations that are necessary for the development and execution of what is established in it , as well as to modify, when the technological innovations so advise, the technical standards contained in the annexes of the ICT Regulation that it approved.

This Order is in accordance with the principles of good regulation provided for in article 129 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations (necessity, efficiency, proportionality, legal certainty, transparency and efficiency) and has been processed in accordance with article 133 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. Likewise, a report has been obtained from the National Markets and Competition Commission in accordance with the provisions of article 5.2.a) of Law 3/2013, of June 4, creating the National Markets and Competition Commission. the Competition.

certified network cable installer training

network cable certifications

Finally, Order ITC / 1644/2011, of June 10, which develops the Regulatory Regulation of common telecommunications infrastructures for access to telecommunication services inside buildings, approved by Royal Decree 346 / 2011, of March 11, needs to be adapted in relation to certain administrative aspects of the presentation and execution of the technical project, in light of the experience acquired since its entry into force, with a view to expediting the processing of the documentation submitted to the Administration.

Article 45.6 of Law 9/2014, of May 9, establishes that the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (current Ministry of Economy and Business) will determine the technical aspects that operators must comply with in the installation of resources associated with fixed ultra-fast access electronic communications networks, as well as associated civil works, with the aim of reducing inconvenience and burdens on citizens, optimizing the installation of the networks and facilitating their deployment by the different operators.

network cable certifications

network cable installer

At the national level, the Regulatory Regulation of common telecommunications infrastructures for access to telecommunication services inside buildings, approved by Royal Decree 346/2011, of March 11 (ICT Regulation), establishes in its annexes some fire behavior requirements for telecommunications cables, which must be adapted to the new reaction to fire classes established in the European regulatory framework. Likewise, it is also necessary to update other technical aspects of the ICT contained in the annexes, to adapt them to the technological changes that have occurred in recent years.

Likewise, article 45.4 of Law 9/2014, of May 9, General Telecommunications regulates the installation of final sections of fixed networks of ultra-fast access electronic communications, with the aim of facilitating the deployment of final sections of fixed wired networks of ultra-fast access, such as those based on fiber optic or coaxial cable carriers, whose minimum characteristics of behavior against fire must also be defined.

network cable installer

cable installer certifications

To develop it, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/364 of July 1, 2015, on the classification of reaction to fire properties of construction products in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. .º 305/2011, of the European Parliament and of the Council. It provides that when the intended use of a product is such that it can contribute to the generation and spread of fire and smoke, its performance in relation to its reaction to fire shall be classified in accordance with the provisions of its annex. Table 4 of the referred Annex establishes the possible classes of reaction to fire of electric cables in the European Union.

In Commission Communication 2016 / C 209/03 in the framework of the application of Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which establishes harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and Council Directive 89/106 / EEC is repealed, a reference to the harmonized standard EN 50575: 2014 is included (and its Addendum 1) «Power, control and communication cables. Cables for general applications in construction subject to reaction to fire requirements ”. The Resolution of June 21, 2016, of the General Directorate of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises, cites the standard UNE-EN 50575: 2015 and Addendum 1 (UNE-EN 50575: 2015 / A1: 2016), which covers, among others, telecommunications cables (copper, coaxial, fiber optic, etc.), used in common telecommunications infrastructures inside buildings. From this regulatory framework, the obligation of the CE marking of telecommunications cables used in ICTs and in the final sections is deduced, in relation to their reaction to fire behavior.

cable installer certifications

certified network cable installer course

For those who prefer to have the printed material, we offer this book, a basic reference source on fiber optics with a study guide for FOA certifications. On the FOA website you can find supplementary material that develops many topics in greater depth.

Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 9, 2011, which establishes harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and repeals Council Directive 89/106 / EEC establishes conditions for the introduction on the market or commercialization of construction products, establishing harmonized rules on how to express the benefits of said products in relation to their essential characteristics, and on their CE marking. The referred Regulation applies, among other products, to telecommunications cables.

certified network cable installer course

certified network cable installer

 Association Fiber Optic (The Fiber Optic Association, Inc. [FOA])It was founded in 1995 by a group of educators who taught fiber optic knowledge through teaching. Some came from educational institutions, others were fiber optic manufacturers, installers or users, representing all types of fiber applications. Everyone was concerned that there are no standards for teaching fiber optic technicians or certifications to validate their competence. Since its founding, FOA has focused on education and certification. As our publications went to print, more than 230 training centers delivered CFOT â certification  to more than 46,000 students around the world.

The FOA has always tried to offer worldwide sources of impartial and technically correct information about fiber optics, whether by printed or electronic means. The FOA's online reference guide, which can be found on its website (, is probably the most widely used and informative Internet reference site in the field of fiber optics. In addition, this guide provides an immediately accessible reference source for FOA certifications for training centers using texts in electronic format.

certified network cable installer

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

certified network cable installer

The company has developed and is developing its own training program aimed at cooperation with educational institutions of higher and secondary education  training according to the programs of authorized the company organized the development and production of equipment in  incl.  certified firewalls. Currently, the  division of the company employs more than people with unique competencies in creating client Internet access devices adapted to the requirements of leading federal and regional providers. The actively expanding production and logistics complex of the company is able to satisfy the constantly increasing number of customer orders in the shortest possible, pass a certification exam and receive a certificate.

The company's equipment is successfully used by leading federal telecom operators, such as  Big Three operators and the overwhelming majority of regional providers. Currently, more than 15 million  get access to the Internet using  equipment.

The technical level of products and the quality of support and service are annually noted by experts and readers of dozens of authoritative domestic and foreign specialized and mass publications.

certified network cable installer

certified network cable installer course

The new switch is recommended for installation in climatic telecommunication cabinets or places with difficult operating conditions, in industrial automation and traffic control systems, on railway transport, in workshops, industrial zones, and Safe City systems.

Has once again confirmed its status as a technology leader in the development of networking and telecommunications equipment by presenting innovative  devices with  support  router and  portable router at the  international exhibition of consumer electronics .

Technology provides faster data transfer rates for a large number of concurrently connected mobile users. New products from D-Link will unleash the full potential of , including ultra-high definition video, virtual and augmented reality applications, and the Internet of Things.

certified network cable installer course 

cable installer certifications

leading global manufacturer of networking equipment, offering a wide range of solutions for Ethernet / Fast Ethernet / Gigabit Ethernet LAN, wireless networking and broadband access, image and voice over IP (VoIP). In 2012, the company opened its own production facility in the Russian Federation, certified in accordance with the requirements 

standard defines the process requirements for the safe development of products used in industrial automation and control systems at all stages of production: from initial design, development, testing, to implementation in projects and decommissioning.

cable installer certifications

cable installer certifications

the company opened its own production facility in the Russian Federation, certified in accordance with the requirements of  In the Russian Federation, D-Link offices are open in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Samara, Tula, Ufa, Khabarovsk and Yaroslavl. Regional representatives of the company work in Bryansk, Kazan, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk

has always prioritized information security issues. Certification of development and production of products in accordance with  is the next step of the company to ensure the safety of personal data, the safety of users and corporate clients, ”commented Sergey Vasyuk, Marketing Director in Russia.

cable installer certifications

network cable installer

Centralized configuration, management and monitoring of all  devices from one router controller;

unified wireless coverage with constant monitoring of the signal quality of mobile clients and automatic switching to the point with the strongest dynamic routing with the choice of the optimal route for data transmission;

automatic restoration of communication in case of failure of one of the network nodes;

Simple and flexible scaling by connecting additional  routers via cable or Wi-Fi.

The device is designed to operate in a temperature range from , supports power redundancy, meets the requirements of specifications for electromagnetic compatibility, vibration, voltage surges and external influences with an  enclosure protection degree. The new switch is recommended for installation in climatic telecommunication cabinets or places with difficult operating conditions, in industrial automation and traffic control systems, on railway transport, in workshops, industrial zones, and Safe City systems.

network cable installer

network cable certifications

Next generation  sensors expand the smart home ecosystem. The new products control water leakage in large rooms and promptly notify of abnormal situations using sound / light alarms, voice messages from Google Assistant and emergency notifications in the  app.

The company has a developed network of its own service centers, covering the entire territory of a from. Qualified specialists are ready to provide comprehensive technical support to both corporate clients and end users as soon as possible. One of the first in the industry, the company organized a round-the-clock "hotline" for customer support in the Russian Federation.

The novelties are designed to organize high-speed seamless  coverage with intelligent network control in modern multi-room apartments, cottages, offices, mini-hotels and other premises with a large area and complex layouts.

network cable certifications

certified network cable installer training

The technical level of products and the quality of support and service are annually noted by experts and readers of dozens of authoritative domestic and foreign specialized and mass publications.

The company has developed and is developing its own training program aimed at cooperation with educational institutions of higher and secondary education. More than 20 authorized training centers have been opened on the territory of Russia , where you can undergo training according to the programs of authorized  courses, pass a certification exam and receive a certificate.

The  Council highly appreciated the new products, honoring them with the prestigious  2021 Innovation Awards in the category "Smart Home".

network cable installer certification

The company has developed and is developing its own training program aimed at cooperation with educational institutions of higher and secondary education. More than  authorized training centers have been opened on the territory of Russia , where you can undergo training according to the programs of authorized courses, pass a certification exam and receive a certificate.

The company's equipment is successfully used by leading federal telecom operators, such as Rolecom, Tranm, Big Three operators and the overwhelming majority of regional providers. Currently, more than 15 million Russians get access to the Internet using  equipment.

network cable installer certification


the company organized the development and production of equipment in Ryazan, incl. FSTEC certified firewalls. Currently, the Russian R&D division of the company employs more than 100 people with unique competencies in creating client Internet access devices adapted to the requirements of leading federal and regional providers. The actively expanding production and logistics complex of the company is able to satisfy the constantly increasing number of customer orders in the shortest possible time

The technical level of products and the quality of support and service are annually noted by experts and readers of dozens of authoritative domestic and foreign specialized and mass publications.


network cabling certification

The video course is intended for students, graduate students, teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as anyone who wants to gain knowledge about network technologies. This video course can be used as an additional teaching tool in the framework of higher, secondary and additional professional education. 

The video course consists of 12 lectures, each of which is divided into short videos for the convenience of studying the material. The course covers the following 


• Basic concepts of computer networks;

• Types of computer networks;

• OSI model and network protocols;

network cabling certification

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

network cabling certification

Meet the communication requirements of today and tomorrow! The wiring Ethernet Network promotes rapid data transmission. Its objective: to connect servers and computers to each other in a structured and secure manner, as well as the connection to WiFi antennas.

Do you want to renovate your offices or build a new infrastructure? Take the opportunity to install a high- performance telecommunications system . Nature and surface area of ​​the premises to be equipped, number of people and workstations to be connected ... Many criteria must be taken into account in order to develop an efficient system. It is therefore strongly recommended to call in a professional!

network cabling certification

cnci certification

Ethernet cabling is made up of several types of links such as horizontal and vertical cables , connected to a computer server room (the heart of any IT installation). The fibers used strongly influence the  quality of your connection . It is therefore essential to make the right choice among the wide range of categories and existing standards.

Optical links between cabinets

Reception of cables by cable trays

Preparing adequate electricity for computer racks

Patch panels, cables, connectors… All of these solutions allow you to freely and easily compose your entire structure. Profibre is also surrounded by renowned partners and suppliers to meet all of your needs (hosting on their own servers, reliable products, etc.).

Big Data companies, it's time to take advantage of a secure investment and high-performance throughput!

cnci certification


Former Telecom specialist, Jean-Christophe Cock and his versatile team advise you in the field to choose the best cable system and its configuration  . The objective: to meet the requirements of your business through an adapted solution.

The cabling of a Data Center can be done in two ways: the placement of an optical fiber or the laying of Ethernet network cables . We guide you through this process. Our fields of action?

Preparation of the room

Installation of computer racks

Installation of room refrigeration or computer cabinets

Laying of the relevant computer cabling


network cable installer certification

Our watchword? Optimize your network performance by developing an adaptable scheme that meets your needs. This solution is designed to facilitate:

the safe transfer of a large quantity of items

the subsequent addition of peripheral devices to your Data Center

any troubleshooting

Let's think and organize, together, your high-performance infrastructure. You will be able to process and protect all of your sensitive data. Because your web ecosystem would be nothing without a qualitative and scalable server room !

network cable installer certification

certified network cable installer training

The Data Center is the cornerstone of your IT system. It is the point of convergence of all your threads and the technical origin of your digital transformation. Therefore, effectively organizing the management of your server room is a crucial issue!

Need to quickly transmit your data and meet the challenges of tomorrow? Since 2006, Profibre has supported companies of all sizes in the development of intelligent and future-oriented data center cabling .

It's time to be agile to seize new opportunities! Be efficient, reduce your costs and simplify your infrastructure thanks to the intervention of Profibre.

certified network cable installer training

network cable certifications

Ethernet cabling is made up of several types of links such as horizontal and vertical cables , connected to a computer server room (the heart of any IT installation). The fibers used strongly influence the  quality of your connection . It is therefore essential to make the right choice among the wide range of categories and existing standards.

Profibre takes into account your needs, your portfolio and external constraints to offer you a durable and efficient RJ45 solution. Our team also takes care of the installation and tidying up of your computer cabinets . It is, in fact, not always easy to navigate among the flood of fibers and connectors ... Need to rearrange your protection bay? We carry out a fast and efficient identification of all your cables through a system of labels and colors.

Our services don't stop there! We offer you personalized advice by performing an audit of your network , integrate your computer network by optical fiber and manage your data center on demand

network cable certifications

network cable certifications

With 18 years of experience, Profibre takes care of the design, installation and maintenance of all your computer   and electrical network cables . We adopt a tailor-made approach according to your requests and the associated context

Companies rely mainly on  structured Ethernet cabling  : its great reliability makes it a valuable ally on a daily basis. The strengths of this wired technology?

Secure transfer of your information

High and extremely stable flow rates

A scalable physical network according to your business needs

Compatibility with PoE (Power over Ethernet) products

This type of system offers great installation flexibility and a strong capacity for growth. In addition, it is also easy to manage and provides adequate independence from existing providers and protocols.

network cable certifications

network cable installer

Need to perform a network audit for your company , your restaurant, your school or even your public administration? Entrust the outsourcing of your IT network to Profibre and start again on a solid basis. Your free quote is waiting for you! 

Meet the communication requirements of today and tomorrow! The wiring Ethernet Network promotes rapid data transmission. Its objective: to connect servers and computers to each other in a structured and secure manner, as well as the connection to WiFi antennas.

Do you want to renovate your offices or build a new infrastructure? Take the opportunity to install a high- performance telecommunications system . Nature and surface area of ​​the premises to be equipped, number of people and workstations to be connected ... Many criteria must be taken into account in order to develop an efficient system. It is therefore strongly recommended to call in a professional!

network cable installer

cable installer certifications

This presents the observations and analyzes carried out, specifying the points which require special attention. The necessary tools and resources are thus carefully chosen. It's time to have a real positive impact on your situation!

Does your structure require renewal? We offer several solutions adapted to your situation: Ethernet cabling for computer network , installation of optical fiber and laying of cables for Data Center .

Need to perform a network audit for your company , your restaurant, your school or even your public administration? Entrust the outsourcing of your IT network to Fireproof and start again on a solid basis. Your free quote is waiting for you! 

cable installer certifications

certified network cable installer course

Production, comfort, ergonomics ... Is your infrastructure optimized to meet your needs? Evaluating the level of efficiency of your IT system is essential today. Don't be left behind by the competition - take the lead with better network performance.

A computer network audit makes it possible to identify the weaknesses and capacities of each piece of equipment (router, cabling, switch, access to current, etc.). It also determines the priority actions. The goal? Build a fast & reliable solution for your entire team and boost productivity.

Profibre intervenes with increased experience in the field! Our  qualified technicians  offer a tailor-made service for the maintenance and installation of network cables for each client. They then map your elements and produce a performance report that everyone can understand.

certified network cable installer course 

certified network cable installer

The effectiveness of communication between the various equipment and departments of your company depends, in large part, on structured cabling and the optical fiber that connects them. For our “advisers, it is essential to make the right choices” in terms of equipment (cable and optical fiber for business) so that the structured cabling and optical fiber are adequate and ensure you achieve optimal performance.

We carry out the installation of structured cabling and optical fiber in a company. All our installations are carried out according to the rules of the art, according to the latest industry standards. The work of our specialists is methodical and organized so that, in the end, the management of your cabling structure is simple.

certified network cable installer

Friday, February 12, 2021

certified network cable installer

power supply can be divided into three types according to the output voltage: 12V, 24V and 48V. When purchasing a PoE power supply, you need to consider whether the voltage of the PoE device connected to it is consistent. 

In addition to the above-mentioned two categories of power supply, PoE Injector can also be divided according to the number of different ports, such as single-port PoE power supply and eight-port PoE power supply and so on.

series is a true mini, rugged industrial media converter, it is designed for where critical but space limited outdoor camera enclosure. It can be powered by wide range of VDC or external DC power adapter, power input (DC10-55V ). With its multi-purpose design, it can also be used for Din-Rail or wall-mounted. It is an ideal unit for IP surveillance, traffic monitoring and security application in critical environment.

certified network cable installer

certified network cable installer course

Standard PoE power supply refers to a power supply that complies with PoE industry standards (such as IEEE802.3af, IEEE802.3at or the latest IEEE802.3bt standard).  Under the PoE industry standard of 802.3af, 802.3at or 802.3bt, the PoE power supply equipment (PSE) and the powered device will automatically negotiate when they are connected, and the negotiation can be successful only when the devices at both ends conform to the same standard mode. After the negotiation between the two devices is successful, the power supply device will supply power to the powered device. In this working mode of standard PoE technology, the safety of PoE equipment can be strongly guaranteed. Generally, the 802.3af, 802.3at or 802.3bt standard power supply voltage is 44-57V (DC).

Non-standard PoE power supplies generally refer to power supplies that do not comply with any PoE industry standards (such as IEEE802.3af, IEEE802.3at or IEEE802.3bt standards). The operating voltage of non-standard PoE equipment is generally 18-48V (DC). If the voltage values of the two connected devices do not match, it may cause permanent damage to the device.

certified network cable installer course 

cable installer certifications

The advantages of PoE injector are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

*Easy to install: Just connect the power supply to the PoE terminal equipment and the switch to provide power and data transmission support.

*Easy to expand: The data signal output by the non-PoE switch can be injected into the power signal through the network cable, so as to provide the power and data transmission support for the powered device at the same time, which brings more convenience to the device connection.

*Save expenses: The use of PoE power supply can keep the original network architecture on the basis of effective use of the original equipment, thus greatly saving expenses.

network cable installer

refers to a power over Ethernet technology that simultaneously transmits power and data through a twisted pair cable. The application of this technology can effectively improve the stability and flexibility of the network, so it is widely favored by people. At present, there are various applications based on PoE technology on the market, such as Gigabit PoE switches, PoE power supplies, PoE splitters, and so on. 

injector is also called midspan, PoE charger or PoE adapter. It connects non-PoE switches and PoE powered devices (PD) through network cables (such as Cat5eCat6Cat6a, etc.) working.  This equipment is generally suitable for places that need to install low-power terminal equipment but lack power outlets. This solution effectively achieves a great improvement in network flexibility at a lower cost, so that equipment installation is no longer restricted by geographical and existing network architecture.

network cable installer

network cable certifications

Affected by the limitation of Ethernet cables and the increase in network speeds, networks are becoming more and more complicated. Applying fiber media converters not only overcomes the distance limitations of traditional network cables, but allows your networks to connect to different types of media such as twisted pair, fiber and coax.

series is a true mini, rugged industrial media converter, it is designed for where critical but space limited outdoor camera enclosure. It can be powered by wide range of VDC or external DC power adapter, power input (DC10-55V ). With its multi-purpose design, it can also be used for Din-Rail or wall-mounted. It is an ideal unit for IP surveillance, traffic monitoring and security application in critical environment.

network cable certifications

certified network cable installer training

RS-232 fiber converters can operate as asynchronous devices, support speeds up to 921,600 baud, and support a wide variety of hardware flow control signals to allow seamless connectivity to the piece. large series devices. In this example, a pair of RS-232 converters provides the serial connection between a PC and a terminal server that allows access to multiple data devices via fiber.

fiber converters are used in many multi-point applications where one computer controls many different devices. As shown in the picture below, a pair of RS-485 converters provides the multi-drop connection between the host device and a multi-drop connected device via a fiber cable

network cable installer certification

generally works with bidirectional wavelengths, often called BIDI. And the typically used wavelengths of single-fiber BIDI are 1310nm and 1550nm. In the following application, the two dual fiber media converters are connected via a single-mode fiber cable. Since there are two different wavelengths on the fiber, the transmitter and receiver on both ends should be matched.

Converter This type of media converter provides fiber extension for copper protocol serial connections. It can be connected to the RS232, RS422 or RS485 port of a computer or other device, solving the problems of traditional RS232, RS422 or RS485 communication between distance and rate. And it also supports point-to-point and multi-point configurations.

network cable installer certification


Fiber-to-Fiber Media Converter

allows connections between single-mode fiber (SMF) and multimode fiber (MMF), including between different "power" fiber sources and between single fiber and double fiber. The following are some examples of a fiber-to-fiber media converter application.

Applying Multimode Fiber to Single Mode

Since the CMS supports longer distances than MMF, it is common to see that conversions from MMF to CMS in enterprise networks. And a fiber-to-fiber media converter can extend an MM network across the MS fiber with distances up to 140km. With this capability, a long-distance connection between two Gigabit Ethernet switches can be realized using a pair of fiber-to-fiber Gigabit converters (as shown in the following picture).


cnci certification

According to different standards, fiber media converters can be classified into different types. There is a managed media converter and an unman aged media converter. The differences between them are that the latter can provide additional network monitoring, fault detection and remote configuration functionality. There is also a copper-to-fiber media converter, a serial-to-fiber converter and a fiber-to-fiber media converter.

Applications of Common Types of Fiber Media Converters
With the various advantages mentioned above, fiber media converters are widely used to set up copper networks and optical systems. This part is primarily to introduce two types of fiber media converter applications.

network cabling certification

With the increase in demands on the network, several network devices are manufactured to meet these demands. Fiber media converter is one of the key components in those devices. It is a feature of high frequency capability, long distance operation and reliability, which makes it popular in modern networking systems. This post will explore some basis and show several examples of application of fiber media converter.

Fiber Media Converter is a device that can convert an electrical signal into light waves between copper UTP networks (twisted unhardened pair) and fiber optic networks. As we all know, compared to Ethernet cable, fiber optic cables have a longer transmission distance, especially single-mode fiber cables. Therefore, fiber media converters help operators solve the transmission problem perfectly.

Fiber media converters are typically protocol specific and are available to support a wide variety of network types and data rates. And they also provide fiber to fiber conversion between single mode and multimode fiber. In addition, some fiber media converters such as copper-to-fiber and fiber-to-fiber media converters have the ability to convert wavelengths using SFP transceivers.

network cabling certification

Thursday, February 11, 2021

network cabling certification

Due to the increasing complexity of these cabling systems, determining the cause of failure and quickly restoring proper performance has become a challenge . This manual will guide you through the process of troubleshooting advanced structured cabling systems using the Fluke Networks Series certifier so you can increase productivity and deliver greater value to your business.

The structured cabling certification process that we carry out at Unitel-Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones begins after the completion of the cabling installation. The certification of the structured cabling is a process that compares the transmission performance of a cabling system is installed with a given standard, using a method defined by the standard for measuring said performance .

network cabling certification

cnci certification

 The structured cabling certification process will require that the cabling links provide the 'Pass' result . If not, our qualified and certified technicians will diagnose the failing links and, after taking corrective action, recheck them to ensure they meet the relevant transmission requirements. The time required to certify a facility includes not only the completion of the certification measurements, but also documentation and troubleshooting.

Our certified cabling installation technicians know how to diagnose and troubleshoot high-performance cabling systems. As new high-performance cabling systems are developed and implemented, every aspect of the installation demands a higher level of capacity and greater attention to detail. New check parameters have been added. Links have to be tested using one of two link models (the 'permanent link' or the 'channel') and are tested and evaluated over a wider frequency range and with more data points. The components from which the links are built should provide better performance and the quality of the finish during installation should improve accordingly.

cnci certification


The structured cabling certification process that we carry out at Unitel-Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones begins after the completion of the cabling installation. The certification of the structured cabling is a process that compares the transmission performance of a cabling system is installed with a given standard, using a method defined by the standard for measuring said performance .

This certification of a structured cabling system shows us the quality of the components and the installation, that is, it tells us if it complies with connectivity and correct operation. This is usually necessary to obtain the manufacturer's warranty for structured cabling.

network cable installer certification

Fluke Networks is the world leader in certification, troubleshooting, and installation tools for professionals who install and maintain critical network cabling infrastructure. From installing the most advanced data centers to restoring phone service after a disaster, our combination of legendary reliability and unmatched performance ensures jobs get done efficiently.

 Different categories, nor does it guarantee that it will do so in any situation, at any temperature, or in future applications that arise.The Fluke Networks Certified Cabling Test Technician ™ (CCTT) course lasts two days, each consisting of three parts: The fact that the data circulates on a cable does not guarantee that they do so with the quality, speed and security established for a local area network classroom training, hands-on training, and exam / certification exercises.

certified network cable installer training

The course is designed for network cabling contractors and business network owners who own or plan to purchase Versiv / DSX series cable certification equipment.

The course provides “expert” level training on the Versiv Series / Cable Analyzer. Investing in the Fluke Networks Certified Cabling Test Technician training course will not only improve your installation skills but also improve your efficiency and productivity in testing, certifying and troubleshooting your cabling systems. Attendees are eligible to receive seven Continuing Education credits for each day successfully completed.

certified network cable installer training

network cable certifications

They will have an in-depth understanding of the standards and technology that govern high-performance structured cabling systems.

They can demonstrate their knowledge in real life situations by using the Cable Analyzer to test, repair, and commission high-performance network cabling installations.

They will be able to put the acquired knowledge into practice in a wide range of applications.

They will be able to take advantage of the advanced diagnostic and analysis capabilities of the cable analyzer to carry out certification projects on their own and within established deadlines and budgets.

They will earn seven BICSI continuing education credits per day completed.

network cable certifications

network cable installer

The Fluke Networks Certified Cabling Test Technician ™ (CCTT) course lasts two days, each consisting of three parts: classroom training, hands-on training, and exam / certification exercises.

Day one  - copper. Testing with the  CableAnalyzer, introduction to Versiv ™ and common settings, export settings and results, copper test limits / standards, adapter types, setup a twisted pair test, take a measurement and analyze the result. New test parameters: DC Resistance Unbalance,  diagnostics. Single check. Patch cord certification. Alien Crosstalk

Day Two: fiber. CertiFiber ™ Pro Check, Basic Fiber Theory, Encircled Flux. CertiFiber Pro setup, fiber inspection, automated analysis. Establishing a reference for a duplex link, duplex. How to create a custom check limit.. Understand how different connector losses differ from other standards. Setting a reference for a simplex link. 

network cable installer

cable installer certifications

The fact that the data circulates on a cable does not guarantee that they do so with the quality, speed and security established for a local area network in its different categories, nor does it guarantee that it will do so in any situation, at any temperature, or in future applications that arise.

The certification will allow us to effectively verify that the installation has been carried out correctly and complying with all the parameters, both for the present and for the future.

You need to train and certify your current employees to be competitive in the installation and certification of high-speed structured cabling systems. Investing in the Fluke Networks two-day Certified Cabling Test Technician ™ (CCTT) training and certification course will not only improve the installer's capabilities of cabling technicians, but also their efficiency and productivity during testing, certification, and troubleshooting. structured cabling system problems.

cable installer certifications

certified network cable installer course

Ualification of a network, it is used in those cases in which a customer already has an installation of a local area network, but is not sure if it is ready to host new applications or configurations. We will use the qualification to verify that this network meets the necessary standards for this new need, but it will not verify that it meets the rest of the characteristics necessary for a certification. Typically a qualification is cheaper than a certification and is done in small businesses or offices that do not require certification of the entire network and for all applications.

The objective of the certification of a local area network, either copper or fiber optic, is to verify that the installation of that network meets the technical parameters necessary to comply with international regulations related to the type of installation.

certified network cable installer course 

certified network cable installer

Once the installation of a local area network has been completed, it is essential to check it, and for this, different types of electronic measuring devices can be used that will ensure and / or check different parameters of it.

At present we could say that there are 3 types of verification in a local area network installation, which are:

Verification of a network, which basically consists of checking the length, mapping the wires and their continuity between ends. It does not verify any other technical parameter and basically allows to confirm that the connection of the cable and the rosettes or panels is actually made.

certified network cable installer