we also deal with data networks ,tv antennas for terrestrial and parabolas for digital satellite , alarms and closed circuit TV , intercoms , videophones , without neglecting the innovations such as leds and domotics industrial and civil with a particular interest to energy-saving industrial and energy saving civil . We have an internal design studio and we ourselves carry out the design of the electrical system and produce, in accordance with the law, the declaration of adequacy on MV / LV substations , thedeclaration of compliance of electrical systems and declaration of conformity of electrical systems.
Everything that is electrical or related to electrical systems , both for civil but also and above all industrial uses, in particular for metalworking companies, is our daily bread and we are able to fulfill any request our customers ask us.
Given the experience that distinguishes us, it is we ourselves who often provide the ideal solutions to the problems posed to us by our customers. Especially in the industrial field, and even more so in metalworking companies, whose processing complexity often requires innovative solutions.
Our team is able to design and implement the installation of simple electrical systemsbut also to carry out complex studies and designs that often lead us to create prototypes for industrial machines as regards electrical and electronic components.
Our fame derives not only from the competence and professionalism with which we carry out the installation work of electrical systems that are entrusted to us also from the fact that customers can always count on us for any eventuality. We are always there, also to take care of the maintenance of electrical systems wherever they are, even if they have not been designed and built by us. An electrical system that is not working or has problems is a safety hazard for everyone, first of all for the customer who has to use it daily.
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