Monday, January 18, 2021

cable installer certifications

When testing a permanent link (PL), only the installed cabling (shown in green in the figure) is checked with a special PL adapter with inexpensive, exchangeable RJ-45 contact inserts - special RJ-45 patch cables are no longer required. In this case, the test includes the connection at the patch field and the data socket at the workplace plus about 2 cm of the test line of the PL adapter. This is the most common test performed in the field, as it tests all components for which the installer is responsible. On the other hand, those patch cables that the customer can replace themselves are not checked, so that the results of such a certification would be worthless.

Think of a LAN cable certifies as a test tool that tests the third element of a cabling system. The first two elements are the cable and the connectors, which have already been carefully checked by the manufacturer. The third element is the on-site installation of these components. High quality connectors and cables provide the specified performance parameters when correctly installed under laboratory conditions. But installation in the field differs significantly from that in the laboratory. During installation under real operating conditions, it can happen that the cable is stretched, kinked, squashed, installed in areas with higher temperatures or with high humidity and possibly incorrectly connected.

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